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Cosmetics works medically not magically: Dr. Monica Kapoor



Dr. Monica Kapoor is one of the most renowned celeb Cosmetologist in town, whose work speaks volumes for her skills. From talking about the cosmetology scenario in India to making it easy for people to understand its perk, she has got it all in her hand to make you go for it. In this exclusive interview with her, read about how cosmetology evolved over the years and how open people should be about it.

Dr. Monica, please tell us about how the cosmetology scenario has changed over the years.

What is Cosmetology ?

Dr. Monica: Cosmetology is the science and art of beautification which has grown with the help of medical studies and advancement of technology. It has evolved from the last few decades and eras but was started historically by Egyptian women as per the archaeological findings of makeup kits and on the basis of other instances likes using kohl in their eyes, colouring their lips by different materials etc.

In the 21st century, Cosmetology has really taken a leap from just being a simple procedure of beautification to major surgeries for altering your looks with the help of medical science. Initially these procedures were considered a fit for high profile people from the glamour industry but if you see now, even a common man wants to enjoy this privilege of beautification. The craze has now evolved so much that procedures like fairness treatment, slimming, body contouring, facelift, nose jobs, lip enhancements, Liposuctions , laser hair removals, breast and butt enlargements etc., are too much in vogue. Therefore, you can clearly see the change and shift of cosmetology procedure from last decade to this day. Now people don’t shy away from opting for cosmetic procedures or surgeries to enhance or alter the feature they are unhappy with mainly because it has become more safer and affordable for them.

Do you agree that celebrities who go for cosmetic surgeries often hide it from everyone?

Dr. Monica: Yes I believe that celebrities who opt for cosmetic surgeries do try to hide it from from everyone. They feel the need to not talk about it openly so as to not bring it in notice but the common man nowadays has become so aware and smart that they catch this right away. So, when celebrities deny all these treatments they fall prey to trolling and bad mouthing by the netizens.

What basic suggestions do you give to your clientele? Something generic.

Dr. Monica: Generally I suggest my clients that you should opt for cosmetic procedures only if it is needed to enhance your beauty. I also suggest that whenever you decide to go for any such enhancement do choose your doctor properly who are like the one who is well qualified and experienced in the field.

Also, I would like to request my clients or other people to not have too many expectations out of these cosmetic procedure as these are treatments and not some kind of magic. Every case is different and the outcome will be different accordingly. Have full faith in your doctor and cooperate with them as they are the experts.

Your work speaks volume for your skills. If given a choice, which celebrity would you love to work with.

Dr. Monica: Thank you for such a lovely compliment. Although I am already working with many celebrities for their beauty enhancement but I would definitely like to work with the Bollywood actor Salman Khan as I adore him a lot; Also, not that he needs too many cosmetic procedures on himself but yes as he is growing old, he might need a little bit here and there to keep him going with the pace. Another celeb is Shahrukh Khan, as I see too many ageing signs on his face because of some bad habits we know we all know about him.

What’s one thing about cosmetology people don’t understand?

Dr. Monica: Few of things people don’t understand about cosmetology is one – it’s a medical treatment and not a magical treatment so there is a limitation to it too. Secondly, not everyone will have similar results and it will very from patient to patient. Thirdly, cosmetology procedures are not very expensive and are quite affordable to common man. Last but not the least, cosmetic procedures are quite safe and with less side-effects.

How different is cosmetology, prosthetics and makeup?

Dr. Monica: Cosmetology, Prosthetics and makeup are three different fields.

Cosmetology is the art and science of beautification with the help of medical science and technology like surgeries, nonsurgical medical procedures and treatments done by qualified doctors; Whereas Prosthetics is a field where artificial material is made and stuck on bodies to give a totally different look. Last but not the least, Makeup industry as we all know is putting artificial material or substance to enhance one’s look for any kind of occasions, events or parties like eyeliner, foundations, hairdos, lipsticks etc.

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