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Take charge of your sub-conscious mind and heal yourself, says Serenity Surrender healer Amrita Kapur

Everyone is a healer and has an ability to connect and heal themselves, says Amrita Kapur, in an exclusive interview with QNA. A Serenity Surrender (SS) healer by profession, Amrita has been practicing healing for past 8 years and has seen tremendous transformation in her relationships, confidence, self-belief and contentment.
When you say everyone is a healer, what do you mean by that?
Amrita Kapur: In today’s world people think healers are those who possess special powers. Many feel that they have a special connection with God / Universe and are people with a power to make the world a better place. But when I say everyone is a healer, I mean, everyone is connected and has the potential to awaken their special “POWERS” which they see in healers.
How is that possible?
Amrita Kapur: Everyone has sixth sense and gut feelings. But one is not always aware of the same. It’s about sensing it, realizing it and connecting with themselves to make their journey peaceful.
How does healing help?
Amrita Kapur: Healing helps us to cleanse our karma which we have accumulated from past or current lives. Karma in the form of beliefs gets stored in our sub-conscious mind. Healing these beliefs creates a much more balanced mind. Whatever we carry in our sub-conscious mind is evident through our experiences in our day-to-day lives.
What is Healing?Why is it important to heal yourself?If you can detox your body !!Why not heal your mind too !?!.#amritakapur #healing #healer #counsellor #humanmind #healingenergy #energyhealing #healingjourney #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mindandbody #understanding #mentalhelptips #serenitysurrender #consciousmind
Posted by Amrita Kapur -Serenity Surrender Healer on Friday, June 26, 2020
How does one come to know about these beliefs?
Amrita Kapur: We know that our sub-conscious mind is more powerful than our conscious mind. Through our conscious mind, we come to know about what is happening in our lives through our situations, thoughts, relationships, feelings and emotions. Whatever negativity we have in our lives, the root lies in our sub-conscious mind. When we start to understand those negative patterns, its origin and heal all that, we will be able to transform our physical reality. Our situation in life will improve and we would know how to deal with anything that comes our way.
How do you heal a person?
Amrita Kapur: As this is an energy healing, I make an energetic connect with the person. I understand the reasons in his/her sub-conscious mind for whatever problem / situation he/she is dealing with. Based on what is revealed, healing is done. Healing can be given to a person present physically or distantly.
How different are your healing techniques compared to others like past life regression (PLR)?
Amrita Kapur: We are constantly seeking answers to everything in our lives. Today, we all are so pre-occupied with our own issues that it has become impossible for one to believe in the miracles of life. SS healing is primarily connecting with the person’s energy and understanding the root cause of the problem that the person is seeking improvement in and healing the same. I have experienced how quickly people get to see changes in themselves. I have had people calling me the moment they reach home after a healing session, and say that they are sensing a difference in themselves. This is also a beautiful process of overcoming the anxieties of life.
How can one connect with you?
Amrita Kapur: It’s been an enriching journey to be able to touch people in so many positive ways and share the learnings of life which can help everyone. One can get in touch with me through my email ID [email protected]. I have a Facebook Page as well as a YouTube channel Amrita Kapur, where I speak on common issues of our daily lives and how we can overcome them by practicing simple things. How we can lead a fulfilling life. How we can realize that most of our problems are self-created and the solutions are also within the problems themselves. It’s just that we are oblivious of the same. My YouTube videos are of 3-4 minutes and in Hindi, so that more and more people can understand and take benefit from them.