‘You’re not worth a sorry’: DJ Paroma’s loud message for people who don’t deserve it
After a lot of thought and hard work, DJ Paroma is finally up with her new song ‘You’re not worth a sorry’. In an exclusive conversation with QNA, Paroma talks about the inspiration behind the song, the amazing response by the audience, her plans after this song, and much more:
Tell us something about your song ‘You’re not worth a sorry’?
DJ Paroma: ‘You’re
not worth a sorry’ is actually a song that you can relate to. It’s for someone
to whom you wanted to say at least once in your lifetime. It is not just a
song, it is a statement in itself for anyone who has probably hurt you or
harmed you in any way, and you think that they never deserved you. It’s pretty
much like you could reply to them and just say ‘You’re not worth a sorry’ and
you want them to apologise for what they have done. So, the song is a story in
itself. From the start to the end of the video, you can see how a boy who is my
boyfriend has cheated on me is pleading and wants me back and I am definitely
not stooping low and sacrificing on my self-respect and giving in to who I am
and what I am and I let him know that I don’t need him anymore.
What inspired you to make a song with such a unique title?
DJ Paroma: The title had to be very unique and even the song at the same time. Also, I wanted a hook line that people can use it in their day to day life to tell someone or hum to. The fact that it’s released before Valentine’s Day can turn it into an anti-valentine’s song as well.
There were so
many thoughts that were put in while figuring out the hook line by me and
Neeraj sir and of course it had to be unique because we didn’t want it to be
mushy or lovey-dovey as we just wanted to make it different and we did it.
The song is getting such an amazing response what’s your take on that?
DJ Paroma: I’m very happy that the song is getting such an amazing response and is growing slowly and I can realise that it’s actually getting a lot of attention from various people in different countries as I’m seeing the analytics on the dashboard. I am really happy that people are listening to the track, buying the track, and are also keen to check out the video.
I’ve heard it
playing in so many clubs as I didn’t really expect it to actually do so well in
less than a week. And I’m really hoping that it grows more as reaches out to as
many people as possible and people continue giving all the support and love
that they have given me so far.
Can we expect to see you featuring in more music videos?
DJ Paroma: Well, of course, I would really want to bring out some more content in terms of music videos and tracks and originals especially. This was my first attempt and there was a lot of planning that had been done behind it and a lot of other little challenges as well, but I’m very happy with the outcome. And yes, you will definitely see me bringing some more content but that’s going to definitely take a while because I’ve learned a lot from this particular video and this project. I’m going to make sure that I learn from it so I can utilise it to do my best in my future projects. And yeah, there is some good stuff coming soon.
What other things are in your bucket list for 2020?
DJ Paroma: Well, a lot of gigs in terms of DJing is in my bucket list, especially in the cities and the events that I haven’t played for before. I would also like to travel a lot more and give more time at home which I have not been able to do in a long time now.
One last message you would like to give to all your fans who are loving your song?
DJ Paroma: I would really like to tell you all that never stop chasing your dreams. Well, this track that you are enjoying and you are loving was once just a thought a few years back and I’m very happy that I could bring it to your screens now and on all the leading platforms for you to buy it.
Be very confident, have the will and the right attitude that will definitely help to achieve the goals. Of course, a lot of patience is required as big dreams don’t get fulfilled overnight. So just don’t let it go, stay put and motivated!!